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TMJ Exercises

TMJ stand for temporomandibular joint, which is the jaw joint that connects the mandible, or the bone of the lower jaw to the temporal bones of the skull on either side of the head. TMJ exercise helpful in the disorders of the joint include

  • TMJ ankylosis 
  • Pain in the joint area 
  • Stiffness of the jaw 
  • Grinding of the jaw 
  • Clicking of the jaw 
  • Locking of the jaw 
  • Pain in the muscles associated with TMJ 

TMJ have greater degree of work and mobile then any other joints of the body.It perform many important functions such as chewing, speaking, swallowing. TMJ problems can cause difficulty in opening the mouth, swallowing problems, facial pain, migraine, neck problems, toothache, headache and many other. Exercise of TMJ proven useful in treating these TMJ problems but choosing right one and exact diagnosis professional help should be necessary.

Tmj exercises

First exercise

Sit comfortably in a high backed chair with head back against the head rest, and mouth lightly closed. Place the web of your thumb and forefinger against the front of the lower jaw outside of your mouth.Then using your hand press on your chin, gently forcing your lower jaw backwards, and your head into the headrest, neither allowing your head and neck to flex nor extend and allowing the mouth to open slightly.

Allow your jaw to move forwards again with keeping your chin on the same level. Avoid looking up and down. Repeat five times, several times a day.

Performing this exercise regularly for few days prove beneficial.

second exercise

Place the web of your thumb and forefinger again against the front of the lower jaw with the teeth slightly apart. entry press against chin and force your lower jaw backward. The lower teeth move backward in relation to the upper teeth. Then push your lower jaw forward against your hand and hold there for 3-4 seconds. Repeat this exercise 3-4 times, several times a day.

Third exercise 

 In this exercise tongue play important role. Mouth is closed gently against each other with the tip of the tongue touching the front tooth.Now tongue is moved backward along the top of the mouth with moth remain closed until it reaches the soft palate.

After tongue reached the soft palate open your mouth gently at the level when you feel tongue is pulled away from the soft palate hold in this position for few seconds and repeat 2-3 times.


  • Temopralis muscle is easily located on the sides of the head.Press on this looking for any swelling,massaging gently at the same time opening and closing of mouth. Temporalis muscle is major cause of migraine. 
  • Placing the thumb inside the mouth temporalis muscle is located on either side of the jaw gently massage the muscle. 
  • Ptrygoid muscle is difficult to find it Slide the tip of your index finger, pad facing outwards, between the upper teeth and the cheek move finger as far back as you can. You will reach a little crevice called the pterygoid pocket. Gently massage the muscle and slowly moving the jaw. It is often found tender with TMJ problems and migraine headache.